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Provision 6


Nurses, through individual and collective effort, establish, maintain, and improve the ethical environment of the work setting that affects nursing care and the well-being of nurses.

6.2 The Environment and Ethical Obligation

Knowledge of the Code of Ethics for Nurses (Code) and associated ethical position statements is foundational to a moral community and work environment. Many factors contribute to a practice environment that can either present barriers or foster ethical practice. These include but are not limited to government licensing regulations, compensation systems, disciplinary procedures, access to ethics services, grievance mechanisms that prevent reprisal, health and safety initiatives, organizational processes and shared governance structures, performance standards, and policies addressing discrimination and incivility. Nurses act as moral agents to transform environments where barriers limit the ethical practice of nurses.

Establishing a moral milieu requires intentionality. When social norms in a particular setting have been established that negatively affect the ethical environment (e.g., incivility, bullying, mobbing, cultural insensitivity, prejudicial discrimination, racism), rectification is necessary. Environments constructed for equitable, respectful, dignified, and just treatment of all reflect the values of the profession and nurture excellence in nursing practice. Nurses ought to engage in self-reflection to recognize biases that may cause harm to colleagues and the nursing profession. They also seek education and training to identify, mitigate, and change detrimental practices. Nurses in an education or a leadership role work to provide non-judgmental, inclusive spaces for nurses and time for self-reflection. Nurses in all roles ought to strive to create a culture of inclusiveness, belonging, harmony, connection, and community, and uphold practice environments that support nurses and others in the fulfillment of their ethical obligations. Nurses are committed to creating and sustaining an ethical environment where nurse-to-nurse relationships can flourish.