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Provision 3


The nurse establishes a trusting relationship and advocates for the rights, health, and safety of recipient(s) of nursing care.

3.4 Protection of Patient Health and Safety by Acting on Practice Issues

Nurses are alert to and intercede in all instances that place the rights or interests of the patient in jeopardy or that violate practice standards, the Code of Ethics for Nurses (Code), or employer policies. To function effectively, nurses are knowledgeable about the Code, including interpretive statements; standards of practice for the profession; relevant federal, state, and local laws and regulations; and the employing organization’s policies and procedures. When nurses become aware of professional practice concerns, nurses express those concerns to the person involved when time and conditions allow, focusing on the patient’s interests as well as on the integrity of nursing practice. When practices threaten the welfare of the patient, nurses express their concern to the responsible manager or administrator and escalate as indicated. If practice concerns are not corrected, nurses report the problem to appropriate external authorities such as licensing boards and regulatory or accreditation agencies. Nurses should use established processes for reporting and handling professional practice concerns. Nurses should support whistleblowers who identify practice concerns that are factually supported to reduce the risk of reprisal against the reporting nurse. State nurses’ associations and state boards of nursing may be a resource to provide nurses with advice and support in the development and evaluation of such processes and reporting procedures. Factual documentation and accurate reporting are essential for all such actions. Reporting practice concerns, even when done appropriately, may present substantial risk to the nurse; however, such risk does not eliminate the obligation to address threats to patient safety.