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Provision 1


The nurse practices with compassion and respect for the inherent dignity, worth, and unique attributes of every person.

1.2 Relationships with Patients and Recipients of Nursing Care

Nurses establish relationships of trust and provide nursing services according to need. Nurses engage in self-reflection to identify and mitigate bias or prejudice that interferes with or harms the nurse-patient relationship. The nurse recognizes that biases can exist both explicitly and unconsciously. Attributes such as the patient’s culture, value systems, religious and/or spiritual beliefs, lifestyle, social support system, preferred language, and sexual identity are to be considered when planning individual, family, and population-centered care. Nurses promote health and wellness, address problems, and respect patient decisions. Respect for a patient’s decisions does not require that the nurse agrees with or supports all choices made by a recipient of care. When patient choices are assessed to be dangerous, risky, or self-destructive, nurses have a moral obligation to take appropriate actions to address the behavior, and provide accurate, evidence-based education and resources. In immediately dangerous situations, the nurse focuses on modifying the harmful behavior to either mitigate or eliminate the risk.